Legal Help When Buying and Selling Property

Legal Help When Buying and Selling Property

  • Using Building Codes For Premises Liability

    The purpose of building codes is to keep the public safe. Building codes touch on various aspects of construction such as electrical systems, waste disposal systems, ventilation, structural integrity, and dimensions, among other things. Examples of Violations and Risks A violation of a building code can easily lead to a bad accident. The nature of the risk or type of accident depends on the violation. Below are some of the common building code violations.

  • Why Does It Take So Long To Settle An Auto Accident Claim?

    If you've been injured in an auto accident caused by another driver, you probably know how quickly the bills for your medical treatment can pile up -- especially if you're also not working while you heal. Wondering how long it takes to settle your claim with the insurance company responsible for covering the other driver is natural. Unfortunately, there are often a lot of delays before a claim is settled.

  • Not Your Traditional Marriage

    The classic concept of two people of the opposite sex forming a legal union is not going anywhere any time soon. Alternate options abound, however. If you and your partner are not ready to make the traditional choice, you might want to know about some other choices. The below unions, though different from a regular marriage, still not only deserve your attention, but may require you to take some additional steps to protect your financial interests.

  • How To Handle Refinancing A House In Your Divorce

    If you own a house and are getting divorced, you and your spouse might reach an agreement that one of you will get to keep the home. If this is the way you both want it, there will be several steps that must take place before you can complete the process, and these steps include valuing the house, refinancing the loan, and completing a quitclaim deed. Valuing the house There are a lot of ways couples split homes during divorce but choosing to let one spouse keep the house is a common method.

  • Protective Orders Vs. Restraining Orders: Are They the Same?

    In terms of various orders, you can request from an attorney or a court of law, you often hear protective order and restraining order being used interchangeably. Yet, are they really the same thing? It becomes a little confusing when you finally have the definitions of both, and understand the purposes of both. The following will help clarify what is what when it comes to these two legal documents.  The Protective Order Service A protective order is requested by a lawyer with the intent to protect a witness against lines of questioning or invasive procedures that can make the witness feel threatened or terrified about the events to which he/she is a witness.

  • About Me

    Legal Help When Buying and Selling Property

    I am a real estate attorney, and I have been helping clients buy and sell property for many years. Some clients do not realize their legal obligations and options when it comes to purchasing or selling a house or land. I hope that this blog will be a way for people to get information about legal issues in real estate and what they need to know when doing business. Buying and selling property can be complicated, and all parties involved have legal obligations. Know what is expected of you, and you will be able to get the best out of your real estate transactions.